DIGITECH Online Safety Compilation, Summer 2021
All / Holidays and Seasons / Summer
The development of our Google classrooms during autumn term 2020 enabled us to continue to provide high quality teaching and learning for all our pupils during the lockdown. By a train and ensured that the platforms both created and operated safely within clear safeguarding boundaries, targeted teaching and assessment of learning was known much more accurate, but how could we utilize this learning platform to maintain regular contact with each family, monitor the engagement of our pupils and ensure everybody's safety? So, can you remember when we had to go home? And we had to live a life. Can you remember that? So we went out to walk into our classroom like normally do. Can anyone remember? How did you do that though? Because this character didn't call, you did young telephone. How did we do that? We had to go log an app called team. We did do it. We Microsoft Teams. And how did we get on for that app? Because that was like our classroom, wasn't it? That was our safe, our secure classroom, but it was our lives. How did you manage to get onto that? The username. And what's wrong username and password the same as Elise's? No. And was it the same as hunters? What about Boris? What about mine? Was it the same as mine? What do you think? No, yeah, you're right. Because we all have our own information, don't we? Hello? My name is Lee. And I'm an assistant head at ribblesdale high school in Colbert. We have 1500 pupils on road and all of our pupils have a laptop to support their learning. A large part of my role is to ensure that all of our pupils use these devices in an effective responsible and a safe manner. When our yeast 7 pupils start, we often find that there are gaps in there online safety knowledge. At this age, pupils start to have more exposure of using mobile technology independently. They start to open up social media accounts, and also they are very capable of using this software. They are often not digitally wary enough of the long-lasting implications of an umph of post. Prior to lockdown three, I updated and redesigned the safeguarding and online safety section of our school website, making it clear and easier to navigate with an online safety section where all policies, documentation, for online safety, is kept and is updated regularly safety. During lockdown, we have moved increasingly to a blended approach to learning. When children haven't been in school, we've moved to work in various Shelby and teams. We took up the DFE offer to introduce Microsoft Teams across the school and is now become the preferred method of communication in school. All children of their own unique password and login to teams, which are supplier set up in conjunction with the school's sim system. We replicated this in-house on showbiz to ensure that each child has their own unique login to site. Teams you have hard users, your own password, whatever password you want, should be doesn't have any of your personal information, teachers always say how to keep safe online. We only go on twisted apps. We have side blog. And so we won't go any viruses or untrusted apps. We don't put our names on any apps that show me and teams. Toby doesn't have ads and doesn't link other websites. We keep our stage one. Remote learning support officer. As the school went into further lockdown and I was allocated the role of remote learning support after dedicating each day to making personal contact with identified families and offering a supportive role whether that be emotionally or technically. Due to having to shield myself and work from home, I could easily relate to the challenges that isolation brought for many families. Alongside establishing systems which could monitor attendance and engagement, I was able to offer listening ear and assign posts further support. But while we were learning online, our classroom looked very different, didn't it? Okay. And we needed to keep our classroom as safe as possible online. But how do we do that? Can you remember how we kept our classroom safe online? So we kept our classroom safe on one, so because they know it's a need to learn no one can come in because it would interrupt and disturb. Yeah, you're absolutely right. We had our own little meetings, didn't we? Just like when we sat in the carpet and we didn't want any strangers or anybody that isn't a part of our saint Anthony's family to join that and we would use them as a digital leader we enter make all students aware of technology and in so we could students with the digital knowledge that they need to be successful digitally by doing events like assemblies, workshops, and awareness days. As a school, we're very realistic. We know that TikTok WhatsApp, Facebook, SnapChat, fortnight, the list goes on, many of these online games and activities are not age appropriate for the children in our care. However, being realistic we know they still utilize them as to go on them. So therefore, working with the parents, we give them the advice, we give them the tools, and we give them the knowledge, if they are going to use these platforms, these apps, these games, to do so safely. We give stage 5 return to school parental video consultations. Parents were invited to book a video conference in appointment prior to their child's return to school after lockdown. The main aim of these conferences was to assist pupils in their return to school and identify any areas to support required for their successful transition back, discussions took place about pupil, emotional well-being, the effects of isolation, confidence, academic coverage, and any other concern or query raised by each family. These findings were analyzed and commonalities identified, which then influenced actions that could be put into place before their return. Through carefully fund systems of monitoring and information sharing, all staff were able to maintain close contact with each family. Offer guidance and support to ensure pupils needs were safely met. And that a proactive approach was in place for their welcomed return. We recognize that at Harvard school is not necessarily in the best place to regulate online activity. We can provide information, but we must work collaboratively with parents and carers to ensure that our children are always safe online. We certainly believe that knowledge is power in this instance. We regularly ask our parents to have conversations with our children to make sure they know what their children are up to online. We have a checklist which you can see in the letters that we have adapt, we have developed to ensure that parents are able to ask the right questions to support online safety. We like to empower our pupils through a digital leader program and by giving them the knowledge and the skills to support each other. Stay safe like say Anthony.