U.S. Government 4.04 Civil Rights Exhibit
U.S. History
U.S. government 4.204 civil rights exhibit by Andrea Carroll. Brown versus board of education 1954, in the Brown princess board of education 1954 case, a parent named Oliver Brown who was routed to hear that his daughter could not receive the proper education as white children in Topeka Kansas. According to legal information is to, in each instance, they have been denied a mission to schools attended by white children under laws requiring or permitting segregation according to race. This meant that Brown starter could not attend to go to schools that only white children could go to and receive proper education just because she was black. When Brown approached the federal district court to allow equal rights for his daughter to attend a school that was made for white children, they denied his request because of the please versus focus in case that supported a separate but equal principle. Eventually the case was taken to the Supreme Court and found out that this separate but equal doctrine was ruled off as unconstitutional because using segregation against children and public schools all minorities of the same educational opportunities as white children would receive in public schools. Opportunities are considered to be equal rights for all people regardless of the race of religion or gender. Source, Brown versus board of education, we legal information image source, with tech atom, Brown versus board of education, Supreme Court, segregation, schools, breaking news, world news, and multimedia, The New York Times, December 10th, 2006. Map versus Ohio, 1961. In the map versus Ohio, 1961 case, dull remap was under suspicion for hiding a person in a suspected bombing incident within her home. The poison in a map to let them inside the house. But map denied entry because they did not have a search warrant. Several hours later, after law enforcement officers monitored her home, they forced their way inside maps house and held up the search warrant in front of her when she demanded to see it. While the police did not find the suspected bomber, they did arrest all remap for possession of obscene materials inside a chunk within her household. During the trial the attorney and map did not see the white should warrant presented in the courtroom, but map was still sentenced to jail anyways. Eventually, map took her case to the Supreme Court after she did not win her appeal at the Ohio State court. Finally, the Supreme Court made their decision and said that evidence obtained research that violates the Fourth Amendment is admissible in state courts, source, map versus Ohio, WWW dot street law dot org. Home WWW dot street log street law dot org. Image source map versus Ohio key people, Cleveland memory, the Cleveland memory project, Cleveland history photos, videos and more. The Fourteenth Amendment. The Fourteenth Amendment gives citizenship to everybody that was born or naturalized in the United States. This meant that they were considered U.S. citizens of this country and in the state they live in. Furthermore, the text within the Fourteenth Amendment says that no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States, nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, who deny to any person within its jurisdiction, the equal protection of the laws. This meant that for as long as you are you a citizen, whether you were born here or naturalized, the no state in the United States has the right to take away what civil rights you have. Nor can they be rejected from receiving the same safeguard by the laws in this country, involved of their wife, liberty, and property without the doctrine of fairness in all legal matters, in both criminal or civil cases, and must respect the person's rights with their in the custody of the system. Source Fourteenth Amendment laws dot com kids. Image source immigration timeline time toast one one 6 7 5. The Nineteenth Amendment, the Nineteenth Amendment states that write of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex. This means that women were finally allowed to vote as men do. Regardless of the sex, in the United States, or any state can not deny their vote just because they were female. This right also protects the women's suffrage after many protests in the midst for the right to vote, where granted, and thus ending the protest back in 1920. When the next voting season came along on election day, Wyoming became the first state to experience female voters inside the United States. Source Nineteenth Amendment laws dot com, kits, image source, Nineteenth Amendment, Lloyd's veto, lords ace veto, writings 18, August 2011.