Taiga Biome SD
Environmental Science
The Biome of the Taiga
Do you like adventures? Well, if you do, I've got a place for you. The Taiga is a wonderful biome, with plenty of views, and if you're an artist you're going to love this piece of art. It's wildlife such as links, Arctic foxes, Caribou, bunnies, and river otters. By the way, links are hard to spot. So keep your eyes open. Also, snow. For really anything. But you better be prepared because if you go in the winter, it can be pretty cold. The coldest temperature was negative 63. I think you should go to the takeout because it's different from me, and there's much more wildlife, the snow stays longer for more fun. Summer is half the year and the average temperature during the summer is 70°F.
In the summer, it's a little human, but other than that, summer is awesome. There are many types of trees such as Jack pine, Siberian spruce, take is located in the last northern Asia, Europe, and Canada. By the way, a biome is a large area of certain animals and plants, which is adapted to where they live. My bone biome is a pine needle or mountaintop ion. I hope you come to our biome and if you do have a snow spectacular