Subject and Predicate Grammar Song
If you want your reader standing what you say, complete sentences will get you on your way. Subjects and predicates must always be combined to convey to your reader all the thoughts you have in mind. Subjects tell us what this sentence is about. Mister Smith the dentist or the pig with the big snout. Predicates tell just what the subject did, took a walk, pulled out a tooth. Slobbered on the kid. Timmy ate the muffin. Randal took a walk. Abbey bought a goldfish. Her mother was in shock. The teacher read a chapter book. The brown dog ate a bone. That mean lady yelled and screamed. The man hung up the phone. If you want your reader standing what you say, complete sentences will get you on your way. Subjects and predicates must always be combined to convey to your reader all the thoughts you have in mind.