rome-berlin axis
World War 2
Although king Victor Emmanuel the third hated Germans and Nazis in particular, he insisted on the royal prerogative and took precedence of the Mussolini. Both dictators were curious. There was organized flag waving that most attendings treated their visitors with cool contempt. The Pope locked the Vatican museum and took a holiday. Next day as they drove to review the heat, Hitler was amused to see the diminutive king sat on cushions to give him height. And his royal highness noted with disgust, the Hitler's palette cheeks were rude. In Naples, the crowd looked for their duty, but he was nowhere to be seen. Too proud to tag behind Mussolini had made a back street dash to receive Hitler on board his flagship in the harbor. Like children playing a deadly game that dictators enjoyed displaying their toys, and now it was Hitler's turn to be impressed. During the display, Hitler suggested a military alliance of the duchy of voided it, knowing that such a committee would be unpopular in Egypt.