Ocean Tides
Middle School
Well, eventually, we're going to talk about tides. But before we talk about times, I got a bucket here. Now if I filled this bucket up with water and sputtered around my head, what do you think would happen to that water? Let's find out. All right.
Now I've got water in a bucket here and I'm going to spin it around my head and let's see what happens. Yeah. As you can see, you didn't get wet and the water stayed in the butt. But what if there was a hole in the bottom of my bucket? What do you think would happen then?
Well, it just has to be a hole in the bottom of my bucket. And so let's see what happens. There's also duct tape thing. Goodness for duct tape. All right, now there's definitely a hole in my bucket. And just a second here, see what happens. See there's water that comes out of the bottom of the bucket. Oh, maybe I better put my raincoat on. Now at least my rain hat on. And now we'll spin this thing around. And let's see what happens when I spin this around my head the second time. I think what do you think will happen? Let's find out.
Now you can see that the water is coming out and I'm getting a slight shower. Not too bad. But the water is coming out of the bottom of the bucket. So let's talk about tides for just a second. You know, they are crossed by grab. Okay. We're back. And we're going to talk about tides. And tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon on every drop of water on the earth. Now, as the earth is spinning around in space as it turns on its axis and it revolves around the sun, why doesn't that water on the earth just fly out into space, sort of like that hole in the bucket? Well, the bottom of the bucket in this case is holding that water on there is crappy. Now there is a tendency for that water to want to fly out into space because of centripetal force.
But there's enough poor gravity from the earth itself to hold it on there. But there is like a little bulge on both sides of the earth as caused by the rotation and the spinning of the earth. And if it wasn't for gravity, I guess we probably eventually be a waterless planet as it all the water got flung out into space, but all we end up getting is kind of like a little bulge on both sides. As the earth and the moon go through its dance as it revolves around the sun. And so when things are lined up like this, where you have the moon and the sun in a nice straight line like this, you'll get an extremely high tide.
This is called a spring tide. It has something to do with the spring and just they had to give it a name, I guess. And you're going to go through two high tides and two low tides every day. And they're basically separated too high tides are separated by about 12 hours and 20 minutes. And the two low tides again are also separated by about 12 hours and 20 minutes every day. So we're going to talk a little bit more about ties, but I want to see this visual. Okay.
Let's try and explain tides one more time. Well, here you are on the earth. And the sun. And the moon, of course, too. And the sun has big, but it's 93 million miles away. The moon is much, much closer, and not as big as the sun, but because it's closer, it has a much more effect on tides because of its gravity being much stronger, relative to the sun at the distance that is at. If you're standing right here, you'd be standing in the middle of it, what we call high tide. So this would be your high, but there's also a bulge of water on the back. And so there would be a high tide over here. Also. And then this is called what we call a pair of geotag. When everything is in a nice, straight line. Like so. Down below, here again, we have the moon. And the earth. And the sun, and in this case, everything is at what we call right angle. And so this would be what we call a neat. We call a neat tide. The tides that say neap and now you'd be safe if you're standing here, you'll be standing in the middle of a low tide.
Now the high tides in this case would be much smaller than they were up above here because things being in the right angle versus a being a nice strong straight straight line. All right, so there you go. Take a look at that. And we'll do one more thing. We'll try and teach you how to read a tide book. Now there's one more thing I want to teach you about ties. And that's how to be the tide book. Now, I learned how to read a tide book from my grandfather, but my dad also reinforced being able to read a tide book. And being able to read your tide book will, of course, make your time down the coast a lot more enjoyable and may even save your life someday because remember you always want to go swimming after low tide because after low tide, the water will start to flood in towards the beach or towards the shore. And if by chance you decide to go swimming after high tide, if by chance you were to fall down, the water would wash you out to sea. And there's a good story in that and someday maybe I'll tell you in class about deciding to go swimming with a pretty girl when tide was going out. And almost cost me in my life. So let's take a look at it. Tide books are usually broken into two pieces. You have a high tide and the low tide and then the first question in the assignment today is look at the tide table above. What is the time of the afternoon, low tide on Tuesday, December 21st, so let's take a look. So here's your dates and you're going to read down to the 21st. And then there are some morning tide, but we don't want the morning time. We want the afternoon tide. And the afternoon tide in this case is 1144.
And so that would be a good time to go swimming, of course, the problem with that, of course, it's going to be dark. You probably don't want to go swimming after a dark. So if you were going to go on the 21st, you'd probably want to go at 11, 24 after 1124, a.m.. And so Chad books are incredibly helpful, and I would always encourage you to use one if you're deciding to go swimming. And you probably want to use a type book if you want to go fishing because you probably want to go fishing after the start of low tide, because after a low tide, high tide will start bringing the fish into you. And improve your chances of catching a fish. Here's another one. Take a look at this one. It says, look at the tide table above. What is the time of the morning high time? So here's your highs. Here's your lows. And Wednesday, June 16th. So you come down to Wednesday, June 16th, a.m., and that would be 9, 40, 6. A.m.. Then it says, look at the Thai table above. When is the least dangerous or less dangerous time to be in the surf on Thursday, June 10th. Well, you want to go after low tide. So these are your high tides, so this is your low tides. Let's take a look. So if we go down to June 10th, well, you could go sometime after 1104 a.m. or after ten 58 p.m.. Probably don't want to go swimming in the dark. That's when the big fishes come out. So let's go at 1104. A.m.. So just remember, learn how to read a tide book, and you always want to go swimming in the tide is coming in. Time. The rising and falling of oceans water is called the tide. The incoming tide and its crest is known as the high tide and the receding property is known as the low tide. Incoming water is called the flow and outgoing water is called the F tides are caused by the gravitational pull in the center of the movement of the earth's oceans.
The earth, of course, has gravitational. However, there is sufficient gravitational drag in the moon itself to draw ocean water over here. The sun, although it is many times larger than the moon. It has a lesser effect on tides due to its greater distance from the earth. When the moon is farthest from there, and normally low tides known as Apigee place, the highest types of animal cellular in the red line with combining the gravitational pull in the same direction. These are called spring turns. It should be noted that this term was something to do with the spring season. The opposite condition takes place when the earth's sun and moon are at right angles to each other, and the gravitational pull of the sun and river gives each other. At this time, the lowest charge will turn on as they need to.