Mr. Serrato Introductory 2021-2022
Good afternoon, parents and students, mister Serrato here for great 5 and our school and N E L A B and D so this will be my channel which will address very general things to not get into confidentiality and specifics and all that. By the way, specific was one of our spelling words tested today. Just making a connection there. But I really just want to say, you know, sometimes I feel like we were pressed for time, and nobody falls, we have we're at a great school learning many subjects and mastering quiet many subjects as you saw we won the trophy for error that very proud of y'all steel. So that's class B, my homeroom class. And so I keep that in mind, you know, I spoke to some of you parents and speak to some of you parents and I hear the concerns you know regarding the work that goes home or lack thereof, sometimes, you know, it doesn't go home physically. Sometimes you may not go at all, but to supplement, you know, while we're doing in class, I decided to open up these two teacher to dot com channel. And the reason for having done this is because I've actually recorded myself many times on here to put on MS teams and it's like the file is too big. It's just not going to let it go. Or upload. So I feel it was a great great alternative to keep you parents, you know, in touch, what we're doing, what we will do and what we've done. In terms of our very general baseline. So with that said, the purpose of this video only is to let you know that I will have a few coming up videos regarding going over the spelling words meetings as I do take every feedback you give me to consideration that is very much very much essential and now like, you know, because of the rich curriculum we have sometimes that may not get covered on certain days. So there's a perfect alternative supplementally to do that. So be looking for specifically just academic. Academic supportive pieces. Things that we've done things that we're doing on daily basis that may be some of our students have or need clarification on. And it's also to inform you parents, you know, while we were doing on a daily basis. So this is my introductory video. Does that always remember I keep an open door policy, email me, you know, any issue concerned, any question, feel free to just come out at me, put me on the spot, you know, quite comfortable. Because we do, well, we were supposed to do basically. I mean, and I know sometimes, you know, things can look iffy. I totally understand that. And that's why I welcome feedback forward. And I really, really want to thank you all for having this group of amazing kids. You know, without you, who are the first teacher, you know, I couldn't be doing what I'm doing. So thank you, expect more videos here. Signing off on this introductory video, mister Serrano