Micro Teaching
This week we will begin our journey to discovering the structure and function of the four major macromolecules. While on this journey we'll be utilizing several different tools to help us uncover entertain the essential information that is found within this chapter in this unit. Several of these tools are going to require you to use digital technology to operate them. We will be using Chromebooks for research. Data influence and also to create products that will find the information and the learnings you have obtain during the subjectc. Since we're going to be using digital tools, such as Chromebooks, cell phones, web quests. Those types of things the first thing that we're going to do is go over our digital use policy, our acceptability and policy, the same thing that you all have found in return to the first day of school, we're also going to review what it needs to be a good digital citizen. On top about prohibited conduct when you're using the Internet and other digital features. So the first thing I want you all to do is pick up the digital citizen paper that looks like this. There are placed on each one of your guests whenever you can hear this afternoon. Does everybody have one? no reason not have one. Okay. So if you look on the top left bubble, in this paper, the first thing that it covers is protect private information from yourselves and others. So that is also known as the personally identifiable information that things like your social security number. Your email and address your home bump, your home address, important information about demographics for your family. Those types of things, we want to avoid coming out on the Internet. So other people can go out there and find. The next thing, if you look to the right hand side of your page, at the very top, on the right, it says respect themselves and others. For a good digital citizen, you're going to respect themselves by not posting things that they should know they should not pose. Or doing things online on the network that they know they should not be doing. They have been playing Fortnite, probably not a good idea, but new type of game, or unauthorized, would fall under this having respect for yourself and others. So if you're playing the game during class time, that's not showing a whole lot of respect for myself and the other students that are trying to learn. If you look further down on that right hand side, the next thing says stay up to cyber bully in whatever they see it. So if you feel that you are being cyber bullied or you see where somebody else is inside the room, whether it's in a group chat, or Google Meet, hang out, those are things that we will not put up with cyber bullying is the exact same thing online as it is when we do it here in school. We will not have our colors going in the meantime. As you're also looking on there, you go down the right hand side, another key piece of information that we have talked about before, whenever we are citing references, is respecting copyright and intellectual property. If you did not write, if those are not your original thoughts, we must cite our resources. We must cite our resources and that's how we give credit to those that had come up with this information that we are pulling from these databases with these websites. Are there any questions on anything that you cover in the digital used or useful citizens to follow? Okay, you'll place that paper down. The next thing I need to do is figure out what the Internet acceptable youth policy. Internet Acceptable use policy. This is the policy that was found in the beginning of your fond of everybody's parents and students all assigned in terms of how to do this on the first day of school or during the first week of school. So the first thing that we're going to go over is you're looking at that paper. We're going to cover it in an internet acceptable use policy. And we're also going to go to each other when you technology resources. So that would include your Chromebooks, the web quest, our smart board that we're going to be using for interactive research. All of those things are covered under the digital technology policy. So we will turn to that first page. It'll say 49 on the bottom. Internet acceptable use, we're going to go over a couple of these rules that we need to already put into digital citizenship. Just to make sure that we understand how to behave whenever we are on our network. The first thing that's covered up top, school passwords must take all reasonable precautions. School personnel must take all reasonable precautions to maintain control of their passwords and data and prevent any unauthorized use or just like we talked about with the business citizenship, let's keep track of our password, write passwords on sticky notes, play some underneath the bottom of your Chromebook. You're not giving your password to somebody else that they can do your work. Do not share your Google mail with somebody else. So they can copy of your work or your answers or research. And in your research, we are not supposed to let other people in control of our personal identified information. You'll look down on number ten of that list. It puts it very, very clear, under no condition should a user provide a password to another student. So if you are behind on the assignment, you need to come talk to me.