Math Rocks! Prime or Composite
Add it up! My teacher told us about these numbers. They are special yes indeed. They are prime or composite. Teacher, help us won't you please. He said a prime has two factors. They are one and itself. Let me give you some examples. No! Figure them out by yourself. Oh No! Is it prime or composite? That's the question I need to know. What's so special about these numbers? Teacher, please help us so. Two goes into even numbers, true true true. It is special can't you see. It's the only even number that is prime. Sing along with me. oh yes indeed. Is it prime or composite? That's the question I need to know. What's so special about these numbers? Teacher, please help us so. Let's talk about composite. It has more factors can't you see. Take the number 6 for example. Its facts are 1, 6, 2, and 3. Sing along with me. Is it prime or composite? That's the question I need to know. What's so special about these numbers? Teacher, please help us so.