Interactive read aloud: Same, Same but Different
Now that we have finished reading the book, I want everyone to close their eyes. And I want you to think about the house that you live in. Is it similar to Eliot's? Or is it similar to kalash? Think about that. Now I want you to get a little bit bigger with it. I want you to think about the city or the town that you live in. What are some of the things that you see every day? It could be going to the grocery store. It could be on your way to school. It could be anywhere at the gas station at the bowling alley that you go to any anything. I want you to think about what you see every day. Now I want you to think if there is anything that is different about what you do every day compared to one of your friends in the classroom. So this would be a perfect time to turn to your Mac and cheese partners and talk about what you do every day or what you see every day coming into school or going to the grocery store. Go ahead and take this time and talk to your Mac and cheese partners. And when you are done doing that.