How To Take Care of Library Books
What happens to your library books when you get home? How to take care of your library books, find this stover. Hailey, it's excited because she brought home a book that she got to pick out of the library and can't wait to read. But borrowing a library book is a huge responsibility. We must all take care of our library books so they don't get hurt. Let's find out if Kayleigh is making good choices when it comes to taking care of her library book at home. Kayleigh, can you come here for a minute please? That's mom. Notice what happens to Kaylee's library book when she leaves it on the table. Instead of putting it in a safe place at home. Emily. Bad dog. Look, Emily, oh oh. Girls, it's time to come in now.Oh, that looks like my library book. Kaylee, it's time to get ready for bed. Okay. so I'm gonna fold my page so I can read it later. Kayleigh, it's time to get ready for piano lessons. Okay. I better Mark my page so I can read it later. Make good choices. So you don't have to pay for lost or damaged books. I better wash my hands before I read my library book. Kayleigh washed her hands so she wouldn't get dirt food or other sticky, nasty things on the pages of her library book. Now let's see what other good choices she makes. Kaylie, let's open outside and jump on the trampoline. Okay. I better Mark my place. Name some ways Kayleigh took care of her library book in the last clip. What will you do to keep your library books happy and healthy this year?