How to connect a document camera to a smart board
Technology in the Classroom
So here's a quick video. This is how some teachers are using the document camera with the computer and the smartboard to show books on the screen instead of showing the book to the students. And they will miss a lot of details. Here we go. For that we need a document camera, the computer, and the smartboard. We can give you the link so that because you need a software that will connect or communicate is to devices. Here's the link. All you have to do is just click on it. And the instructions start in the previous document that you had on the screen. You're going to click on software download. And it's going to be here at the bottom of your screen. And it takes just about ten, 15 minutes. Mine is already installed. Once it's installed, the next thing you need to do is turn it on. Do you also going to need a cable, which is nothing but this type of K one, one end, and so you can see it, and they use report on the other end. And obviously, you need to give them some electricity, which is the power cable that goes to the regular outlet. We're going to turn it on, minus already on. And like I said, you can use it in a small notebook. Open one. And once again, it's install and everything went well. Go to the menu. On top of the menu up here, and it says insert, you're going to go to picture from scanner. It's already there. Just double check. My show, another one, which is a smart document. That's not what we have. This is what we have is by default. And they just do scan. And what is going to happen is it shows this little screen where you can maximize it by clicking here. And there you go. You have the entire book on your monitor screen. And you also have a new smart board. And any feature that this device allows you to do works, zooming in, zooming out, you can freeze pages, now it's frozen, and the purpose of using a frozen page is sometimes a book I can hold it, my fault. So I can just freeze it. And I can take a book and take it with me. The book is still on the screen. That's basically how you use it. Hopefully, you kids can enjoy it.