Next Generation Science Standards are in place to give educators guidelines for what students should gain from science classes. While these guidelines set a standard, they don't provide the curriculum or plans for a fundamental science education. After all, the practical application of teaching science to kids is much different than saying "they need to know x. y, and z." How are you going to teach them those scientific principles in a way that they will understand and latch on to? Bernard Nebel, author of Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding, Elementary Science Education, and Middle School Science Education, presents the basics of a few of his detailed science lesson plans in this video. Learn how you can teach students these elementary lesson plans that will give them the tools they need to understand and practice scientific techniques. These lesson plans are common core aligned and offer a great starting point for fun and engaging science! The curriculum aims to be a great resource for teachers who are searching for the right lesson plans and best way to instill a love and understanding of science in students from kindergarten through 8th grade. To join in on the conversation and learn more about these curricula books, please visit