Grassland Biome 5
The Grassland Biome
My name is Jackson. I'm 20. I'm in the grass in my environment with Caleb. Danielle, who Sam. I'm about as I'm in a really the context. But if you do, so what is the average temperature? The average annual temperature is from the degree of Celsius to 30°C. That's very interesting. Between what lines are latitude regions on this bottom ball. Lines of latitude are from zero 60° south to 15°. Interesting. Well, that's all we have. Thanks for coming and telling us about your body. Thanks for having me and here's Caleb the paleontologist. Hi, I'm here with an expert paleontologist Kayla cook in the rest of my life. Can you tell me what a paleontologist does? Apparently in charge of studies, fossils and ancient creatures from long ago. Okay, now, can I ask a few questions about grasslands? Sure. Let's get started.
What types of animals use to live in your body? Some different types are Tasmanian Tiger or wolf. Which is a dog relative. And it was last lasted until 1933 because of assault by humans. Another is the officers, which is an ancient or bold reptilian creature. The dad becomes an asteroid that hit the earth many years ago. What impact did this have on the Tasmania? It has many Tiger. This impact is over overpopulation or bigger number of small animals that the Tasmanian Tiger, what are you eating? One more thing. What? Types of plants are there in the environment? There is wall to be grass, kangaroo grass, and very rare types of flowers such as orchids that live where few other places because of different kinds. Good afternoon. We're here with Jack and a botanist expert. Thanks for having me not just trying to study a quiz. Tell us what uses are there for the plants in your brain. They make perfume oil rubber heels. And some are very needed. Oh, see. What plants are native in your body? Why don't you rely on a wildfire continuance? Are there any poisons plants in your bio? They have a discovery so far. Wow. Well, that's it for now. Thanks again.
There you go. You know what? It's been one of the solutions. But I do know in order to implement biomass, we need crafts, trees, lower scraps, what waste and weak. We need these because it will help our body, and it'd be a better way to start. We're like, did you know that biotic factors are being such as points of trees, maybe factors such as dirt or being carried away? Hey, you know someone told me some or some damage or biomass, but I'm actually used for fields for introduction, right outside of the main constitution. Wow. Did you know that the national Department of Energy is trying to get a real resource that needs you to get those things to work for us on all night and they have the resource to make it, which would be like energy or oil deposits than it works. Hello, I'm Sam and expert environmentalist. I'm here with Luke the geologist and the grassland biome. Thanks for having me. I'll just study the landforms in the structure of those. Oh, are there any earthquakes or fault lines in your body?
There are earthquakes and forwards. They are mostly non part. Oh, really? So have there been any natural disasters in the past ten years in many areas of your biome? There's not been any natural disaster in the grass environment in the past ten years. Thanks for sharing this information with us. This is Daniel Oakley reporting with sand and expert environmentalists in the grassland line. What is an environmentalist? Good afternoon, and environmentalist is someone who studies the environment. I say now what types of pollution damages the grassland bar. The water pollution is bad because it might be infected with chemicals and spread into the grass, but there is an pollution now interesting. What natural disasters damage this vial, I would say a wildfire would be bad because it would burn all the grass or maybe even a drought because the grass would die without water, a drought is a long period without water.
What are the governments doing about this product? The governments have four strangers to check if they're any fires in the grasslands. Good. Thank you for sharing your information. Hello, I'm here with Daniel Oakley as well. Thanks for having me. I'm an expert in zoology. Zoology is a study of animals. So Danielle, what are some of the animals that are found in your biome and having their country country? Many animals live in a grassland grasslands from invertebrates like grasshoppers and beetles from large mammoth like Angela who buys it. The different grasslands of the world support different populations of animals. Some vary because of food may be different, more space to roam around and the weather may be technical. That is very interesting now where's the first time? Guys say I'm biomes, I found all around the world like Prairie steps and savannahs. Every continent except Antarctica. They are not found there because the weather is too cold for animals in the grassland environment. Oh, thank you for sharing. Thanks