Fry's 1st 100 Words LTM
1st 100 Words of Fry
100 words memory work. Say the word after me. I will say it once and then you say it once. The. Of. And. A, two. In. Is. You. That. He was. Four. On. R. As. With. His. They. I. At. B. This. Have. From. Or. One. Had. I. Words. But not. What all. Where? We, when your can. Said, there. Use. And each. Which. She do. How? They are. If will. Heather. About ouch. Many, then, them, Reese, so. Her wood. Make, like, him into. Time. Has. Look. Two, more. Right. Go. See. Number, no. Way. Could people. My. Van. First. Water. Then. Called. Who? Am. It's now. Find. Long. Down. Day. Good. Get. Hum. Made. May. Part.