Follow Directions
Educational Songs
Today we're going to talk about a special skill; Following directions.
Following directions is a skill. Oh, hey, glad you're back. There's a seat for you over here. Hello, class. How are you all feeling today? Good. Today we're going to talk about a special skill. Following directions. Now, why do you think it's important to follow directions in school? Jeremy. So you know what to do? Yes, follow directions, helps us know what to do. Following directions helps you do well in school. Good. Andrew. Following directions keep you safe too, so you don't get lost. Or make a mistake during a fire drill. Good. You all have such great comments. Now, let's take a closer look at what following directions looks like. Okay, class, I want you to listen to these directions. First, put your penguin worksheet and your penguin folder, next, put your folder in your cubby, and then finally we'll line up for lunch, okay? Go for it. What did you notice about the directions this teacher gave her students? Yes.
The students stopped what they were doing to listen to the teacher. That's right. Listening comes first. Yes. Just the students should do three things. Right, directions have steps. Who can list the steps? The first step is to put the penguin worksheets into the penguin folders. Next, you put the penguin folders and the cubbies. Then line up for lunch. Listening. Now, would you say that being able to list the steps is an important part of following directions? Yeah. Yeah. So, in addition to listening and being able to list what the steps are, what else? You have to do it. Yeah. Nothing to it, but to do it. Go for it. See the putting the penguin worksheet in the pingle folder. Now they put the painting folders and their cubbies. Okay, good job. Thanks. Now they're lining up for lunch. That's my favorite step. That was easy. So what makes it hard to follow directions? It's hard to follow directions when you don't understand them. So what do you do when you don't understand something? You can ask your question. Yes, I love it when my students ask questions. It lets me know that they're listening, and they're interested. So what else makes it hard to follow directions? Yes. It's hard to follow direction when you want to do something else.
Let's see what that looks like. All right, listen up, our time is over. Let's put your paintings up to dry and then wash your brushes in the sink. Then let's get ready for story time. Um. I appreciate the way you're falling directions. You were working so hard on your paintings, and I know it's hard to stop. Thanks for your cooperation. The teacher looks happy that the swing fall directions. Yeah, I think you're right. The skill of following directions is helping her whole class do better in school. Oh, you're all doing a great job, too. Now remember, the more you practice. The better you get. And the better you get? The more you learn. And? In school, be more fun. Now, which one of our animal Friends is great at following directions. Rita did that. Yes. Let's see. When my father actually I know just what to do when I fall all the directions I sail right through I know where to go I know what to do when I fall over directions I tell right through. My father directions I know just what to do when I fall under pressure sometimes right through I know where to go I know what to do when I fall around right through