Five Senses
Now we are gonna talk about our five senses
Hey class today, we're going to be talking about our 5 senses. Raise your hand if you can tell me what you think your 5 senses are. Smell. Great. That's more? Give me another one. Okay. Okay. Yes. That's king. Touch. Okay. So we have three taste to it. What else do we have? Feel the one more. Smells. Can you imagine what your love would be like if we didn't have our past inches? Could you imagine? Crazy. Okay. Can you tell me? What body part where you use to stay with when we're sitting here looking at me right now? What are you using? What body are we using? That's correct. Okay? You're using it in every one of your stances right now. You're listening to making a lesson. What body part are we using? Ears.
So we've got our eyes and our ears. What about walking down the hall? We're going to AE and we smell, we walk by the lunchroom and it smells so good. It's going to sound delicious. What body part are we using to smell what's we're having for lunch? Yes. Nose. That's right. Okay, we're getting in the cafeteria. And we're sitting there. And we're just going to eat, because I think it would be fun to eat. If I couldn't taste anything, no. So what body part are the way you think the taste we add? Mouth. Okay, so we set our eyes or ears, our nose, our mouth, what about we've got one more with the cuts, or feel, right? Okay? I want you to reach out and feel your shirt. How does that feel? Is it so soft? And you can feel it. That's your stance of tight. That you're in the kitchen. And your mom just says, don't touch at that time. And you touch it anyway. When you build it and your darker handbag and it bars really bad. That's your standard touch. Okay? All right. I want you to get your iPads out. And your earbuds. I want you to turn that open up to the brain pop junior app.
If you need an app, raise your hand. Okay, you've got to remember after you write your hand if you've got them ready. Okay. All right. I want you to click on the app, open it. And we're going to screen worst case search. I want you to tap in 5 senses. If you need help, spell on that, I will come and run and help you, your 5 senses, or by writing, raise your hand when you're writing. Still might not have been, okay? So we're ready, all right, there is baby, I want you to listen to that medium. I want you to pay close attention. At the end, I will be a little quiz. And you will be able to break that quiz out. Okay, I'm going to take that burger. So you really need to pay a paycheck. Thanks for answering. Thank the queen as well. We'll print it out. And with all that, then what you've got that completed, weighing on where pi should have worksheets, I want you to label what kind of got this little mystery hand here. I want you to label one experiences are.
I want you to gain some examples of what you did, give me some examples. You know what saying means like I say the answer I smell the end. I taste this. Want to make sure that you understand, okay? Again, if you have any questions getting logged in to the brain pop junior app, let me know if you have any troubles about the boxes let me know. I'll come around. Everybody ready? Okay, go ahead and get started. This is a quiet TV. I should hear no voice because there should be no topping. If you name me, I need for you to raise your hand and I will come around me.