First Grade - Lesson 8.7 Two-Digit Addition Using Place Value
Lesson 8.7 of the Two-Digit Addition Using Place Value
Hi, my name is Lisa. And I'm excited to be a teacher. The essential question is how can you model tens and ones? So we have here a competition. If you will, we see that it's broken down to these values. So we are going to just walk in partners. Based on their place value. So we're going to start with the first number 34. So very forward threes and tens place in resemblance. And the next number 20 is the ones place. We have a particle format of how we're adding the tens points. So we're going to start always with the ones place. So four plus 8 ones is 12. So we can start from 8 four 8 9. And there will be two. Three times the two times 5 times. So what is 5 times what we're going to write out? So 50 plus 12. Or we can just add zero plus two is two. 5 plus one is 6. So we have 62.
Now we have this model on its side as well. She's separated to two columns. And this is going to allow us to draw out the temperature. So we are going to first draw after a four. So three times. 8. So. Now we're going to combine the tens place here. So we have three times plus two times. Here we have one two three four 5 6 6 7 8 12 one so we're going to draw it out 12 months we're not just going to run. We're also going to draw it now. So now we're going to combine intense again. 60. 60 two. Sorry. 6. Two left over. 6, two. I should press here. 6.1 here. So this is definitely a way to churn. And this side is really reducing the placement. So I hope this strategy helped add two vision into the numbers. Thank you for watching.