Estimating Products
Elementary / Math / Decimals and Percentages
To estimate a product. You are going to round one of your numbers. So that it's really easy to multiply by this smaller number. So I'm rounding 472 to 500. Because it's easy for me to multiply four times 500. I know that four times 5 is 20. So four times 500 gives me 2000, which is also 2000. So down here, one with a little with some bigger numbers. I know that 3250 rounds to 3000. And then I know that 8 times three equals 24, so 8 times 3000 is 24,000. So again, if I were to actually multiply four times 472, my final product would be somewhere around 2000. If I were to actually multiply 8 times 3250, my final product would be somewhere around 24,000. And then down here, this is very similar except we're finding the two numbers that our product would be in between. If we were actually to solve these multiplication problems. So instead of just rounding 94 to 90, I'm going to say I know that 94 is between 90 and 100. I know that four times 90 is 360. And that 100 times four is 400. So I know that if I were to actually multiply four times 94, my product would be between 360 and 400.