Drawing the Swivel Base in AutoCad
Okay, let's draw the swivel base using some new tools. So I've already created a line right here. That's just a reference line. So let's go in and create the circles first. So if we go up here to center diameter, I'm going to come in here and just pick a spot. I'm going to pick right there. And in the box, I'm going to start with the smallest one. I'm going to put 20. There's my first circle. Then I'm going to create another one. So I come back to the same center. As I drag it out, I want 30, so I hit 30. And then I want a larger radius over here. So I go back to my circle, select the radius, come back to the center, I want 30, hit enter, and I've got those three circles.
Now let's create a second set of circles that are a certain distance away. So we're going to actually go back in here and delete that line out of there. Come back and click a line. We have our object SAP set. And we have our grid set. This grid snap set, and we don't have our object set. So we're going to come down here, click off the object's net. Grid snap and click on the other snap. That's because we want to make this. 96. And it won't let us do that. If we have the other one grid set, so it's right to there. Let's zoom in on it a little bit. So we can see it better. Now we need another arc another circle over here. So we go back, we want a diameter. Come back to here. It's snaps right to the end. Well, it's supposed to. There it goes. And we want it to be 20. And there we go. And then we want a larger one as well. But we want a radius on this one. So we go back to here. And we want 20 as well. And we've got those two circles.
Now what we need to do is just connect some lines off of these. So if we come back here and we grab a line, and then we come up and we select our. And we select our menu bar, whoops, I already have the menu bar up. There we go to tools, toolbars, AutoCAD, and then we come down to object snap. It gives us a little really useful toolbar over here. So we're going to come and click on the line. Then we're going to click on this one right here, which is a tangent snap to tangent. That we select this circle is our tangent line, and then we start stretching it out. It tells us how far that is, it's 60. And it comes out to right there. Now, a little bit later on, this is going to be useful. More useful. So then we'll go back one more time. We hit the line. We come over and click the tangent snap.
We tangent from this point. We come out, we can see that it lands right in that grid. And there it is. Now I got those two lines. Now let's come in here and create some tangent lines from this one right here. Now this is kind of goofy. If you look at the diagram for the swivel base, you'll see that it has a radius of 30 to here. And then 96 to here, but yet 60 to right here. So what we're going to do is we're just going to do a little bit of subtraction and adding and we'll figure out and we can figure out that the line that leads from here to here before we get to this arc, the arcs up, connects this, fill it, it's going to be 21. So we're going to do the exact same thing. We're going to come back to here, grab this. And we're going to select there. Go 21. And there's our line right there.
Now, I don't know if that's right or not. Let me try this another way. Delete. Let's try this a different way. So let's draw a little more accurate than that. Make sure we're getting where we want. We're going to come up to this point with the object snap. Then we'll come over 21, and that would give us a much more accurate snapping point. So there's our points right there. And we're going to do the same thing on the bottom. We can delete this one though. We don't need that. So we'll grab our line, come back to here. Right to the center. Down. Come over. 21. And now we've got these two lines. Now what we need to do is we need to connect these up to create our arc. So the way to do this is to come up to the arc command. And we're going to come down and we're going to select. We're going to start in radius. So we come here, and we select the starting point.
We're going to come down and select the ending point, and then you'll see that it starts to create the radius. R radius is 15, so we put 15 in. And we got it. That's all we have to do. Now all of this is possible because we got the object snap on. If we didn't have that, it wouldn't be clicking these points. So we come back up here and hit the arc, this time here we just want to make sure we do it backwards. So we start here, we start there. We start to create our arc. We want 15. And we've got our arc. We're almost there. We just need to add a few more things. First of all, we don't need this line anymore. Let's delete that. Let's delete that line. And let's just come in here and do some trimming.
So we'll trim some of these points. There we go, hit enter. Now we're going to trim off that piece. And that piece hit enter, and we've got our swivel base. We need to add one more circle real quick, and it'll only take a second. We're coming here, turn back on our object snap. Hover over that, and then it finds the center for you. This time we're going to come over here and we're going to locate one that is 48 away. So we click 48. Come to there. And we know that's where our center of our circle goes. So we come back here. We want to diameter, so we go to diameter. With the object snap on, we select it, we put in ten, we come back, delete that out, and we've got our finished swivel base. Okay. That's pretty much how you do