Dr. D s Birds and Bees Countdown to Baby
Do you name the design of living things is game? Here's the one the only roger. We've got pregnancy. Pregnancy condition green and all systems are go. The expert on how living things work and all systems go. Here's doctor D roger. That's T -40 weeks and counting. Who's this roger guy anyway? He looks busy with pregnancy condition green. Yeah, but should we tell him about the sign? Sign? Design? Where? Where's the side? Where, where? Well, are you hungry? Hungry. Why? Let's just say it's launch time. Lunchtime. A couple of comedians. It's not too easy. These video shows. Today got the show. Georgian viola and. George, viola, even though it's not your birthday. I know. I shouldn't have. Wow. Can we open reopen right now? Nope. But why? Because I have wonderful news. We're going to have a baby. We're going to have a baby right here. A human baby with all of its perfectly synchronized interconnecting systems. It's so cool. Here it comes. Then I'm gonna have to sing. I don't know for your listening enjoyment. Doctor D and the vowels. 5 four three two one. You can look across the country. You can search all around the yard. You will see you there is a miracle and every single earth. Way back when the time began, there was a woman and a man and they made a little something they could hug and it's gone on for generations causing great congratulations those little folks who cry across The Rock. In the width and in the girth 'cause I'm southern is a miracle about to happen well you probably don't remember how from April to November you were living in a tiny little room and you were safe and you were warm as Donny bones began to form and your heart was beating lively by the end of June. Oh you're fucking through your belly and pizza by your deli protected in a bubble from your head to toe in my ears and uncles waited mom and dad and dissipated, but all you had to do was to float and go where you can just library pages. You can ask all kinds of things. That's happening on this earth. Well it happens in the city. There's a miracle in every single bird miracle yesterday recording every single night I've been watching. Next time we'll sing show tunes. Now, you of course remember that all human life begins with two cells. And here they are. Emmy lue against Stevie sperm. So where did you two meet in the fallopian tube? You see, I had been placed into the vagina during intercourse. And I had traveled up into the fallopian tube, and then I saw her. And I saw him and and we used our genetic instructions. There you have it. Everybody now, the beginning of new life. But how do those two cells become a person that's made up of zillions of cells? And zillion? Well, each cell can divide. You know, it's tough being this funny. Let's go back to when Stevie and Emmy lumet. I love when this happens. The egg since it is fused with a sperm is called brutalized. It continues down the fallopian tube, dividing first into two cells. Then four. Then 8, 16, 32, 64. Sorry. Then this little collection of cells lands in the lining of the uterus, and we have hold your ears. Pregnancy condition green tea -40 weeks and counting. Wow. So, at the end of 40 weeks or 9 months, an off cells will have divided that this new life can lift off into the world. Usually known as a Thursday. Correct. Now, mom here. Hi, is excited about bringing new life into the world. But remember, she has to go through 40 weeks of changes. So she might also be afraid or uncomfortable. But she's got help. Dad. Wait a minute. We know who dad is. Father. Someone who can love her and help her through the process. Give her a back rub. Lift some groceries. Someone who will be there to share in the joy and the responsibility of raising a child. Now I know you're really, really interested in what's in the package, but you'll have to wait. Why? Because we have to name the baby. And here's some insight information. It's a girl. A girl, huh? Jane would be nice. How about viola? Nah. I think we should go with bula. Nobody uses the good names anymore. So we have hold your ears again. Pregnancy condition green in this is not a death. Really? Right away, chemical messengers called hormones. Flow through mama's bloodstream, they carry the news that the fertilized egg has landed in the uterus. Extra extra. We're pregnant. Mom's whole body is abuzz. The ovaries are told, not to produce any more eggs. Don't release any more eggs. The lining of the uterus is told to stay rich with nutrients. Stay rich with you. You get the idea. Big changes. Now is when mom should see a healthcare professional who can teach mom about pregnancy about exercising properly and eating this instead of this. Let's take a look at bula. Here at T -36 weeks, you see a protective bubble around bula called the amniotic sac. It's filled with amniotic fluid. Look, here's the hundred and Buell is only the width of your pencil eraser. Maybe we can open the package now, huh? Huh? Nope. Why not? Because it's time to check the baby. And T -34 weeks, here's the beginning of an eye, and these little buds will become arms and legs. The beginning of fingers appear. Now all these dividing cells are developing and growing. Yeah, they must be hungry. They must need food or something. Where does that come from? Ah, there's nothing like a good question. I get goosebumps. Bula gets all the nutrients she needs from this. The placenta. Bueller's nutrition delivery and waste removal plant. Which grows in the uterus right along with fula. Inside, nutrients from mom's blood cross over to these blood vessels, which travel to bula through this flexible tube. Called the umbilical cord. At the same time, wastes from bula traveled to mom's blood and are carried away. Pretty slick, huh? Yeah, slick. Does that mean that everything that's in mom's bloodstream passes on to Buell? Everything. If mommy's well, she'll eat well. If mommy's unhealthy food, her body would probably be able to withstand it. But what about bula? Bula is tiny. Delicate. And still developing. She'll suffer. Even if mom takes one ass for any effects will cross over to viola. And it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out that if mine smoke cigarettes or drinks alcohol or worst of all does drugs. That's a great thing. Well, you know. Aw, poor Bella. What could happen to her? Well, if the master's schedule that's running all this development gets interrupted by substances that shouldn't be there, you may be born before the countdown is over. And that may mean an imperfectly formed brain or body. She might die. Oh, that's terrible. But here? All systems are gold. Right. After Buell is born, the umbilical cord will be cut, and she'll be left with a help me now with a belly button. Now, at T -31 weeks, looking more human like, as she grows, the uterus, which is really a strong muscle, will grow right along with her. Which way? This away. At T -29 weeks, Buell has grown to about two inches. But by T -25 weeks, she doubles her size to four inches. And get this, Buell his mouth can now make his sucking motion. Very important when she enters the world and watts breakfast. And surprise surprise, nature is making sure that mom's breasts are getting ready to produce milk. The milk that'll be that breakfast. Right. I love the way this stuff off gets together. By T -24 weeks, Buell has started kicking field goals. Oh. Two -18 weeks. Eula is ten inches long. The structures of her body are formed in place, and all she has to do now is grow. And look how much mom has grown. You think it's easy? Try this 24 hours a day. It can get uncomfortable. And every pregnancy and birth is different from every other. For instance, for instance, most babies prepare for birth by turning upside down. So they can travel head first through the vagina. But a few babies are born feet first, or bottom first. All different. Now, it's T -14 hours. Buell is ready, and so is mom. You can say that again. I've stayed away from cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. I've had professional care, nutritious food, and careful exercise. And I am ready. So now, the moment you've been waiting for. You was gonna be born? Uh, no, not yet. The other moment you've been waiting for. All right. Oh, this pocket Jean. You don't know what it is. It's great. Final stage of cocoa. You'd think I'd get used to this. The final stage. Kicks in. Part of the expression. Now, inside the package was this delicate little gizmo, right? Yeah, once we got through all the packaging packaging it was designed to do what? I don't know. Keep the gizmo safe? Oh, like you've been beautiful safe. Huh? See the packaging has kept you the safe, but the hard part is getting the shipment out. Oh, so what happens now? No one knows exactly how it starts. But somehow, nature knows, it's your day. Press the top button. It's so exciting. Mom's body is manufactured living tissue over 9 long months to be the protective packaging. Now, to remove Bueller, mom's body has to work very hard. Do you think that's why the birth sequence is called labor the beginning of labor can sometimes be marked by a contraction. That's when the uterus, which I'm sure you remember is a muscle. Right, I talk, they understand. I love it. The uterus has its first contraction. A squeeze. Oh. Then a release. It's jevil at first, but over time the squeezes become strong and regular. Mom should call her health professional. I think it's happening. Around the world, women have babies in hospitals, homes, special huts, or even the ocean. But she's going to want to go through labor surrounded by people who know what they're doing. In a safe, secure place, and not an ataxia on 8th avenue. During the hours that labor continues, the squeezes become harder and the rest become shorter. Here's what's happening. Bula has been sealed inside the uterus by this. The surveys. So the cervix must thin and open. Later, the contractions are stronger, and they move Bueller this far into the vagina. Then the last part of the system starts up. Mine gets an urge to help things along. And urge to push. Come on, honey. You can do it. The bones that form Bueller's skull are purposely not completely formed. They compress a little to make it easier for her to move through the vagina. Labor can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. But here, we're almost to lift off. Everybody now, 5, four, three, two, one. She's out. Still a dance to the umbilical cord. Then there's that first breath of air into brand new lungs. There's the first view of the miracle that's been growing inside. The placenta is no longer needed, so it too emerges. Then the umbilical cord is cut. And we have liftoff. That's hard work. Well, pregnancy and birth are very long and very difficult. But mom and dad were prepared. And they're ready for the day to today caring and feeding and cleaning up after. It's coming up. They've launched the highest expression of the design of life. And I think they will love her very, very much. You know, there's a second button be my guest. Oh God, you're congratulations. You're a winner. Doctor Julie sings a girl. 8 7 6. 5 four three two one. You can love yourself cross the country. You can search around the earth you will see there is a miracle and every single birth. Way back when the time began, there was a woman and a man and they made a little something they could hug and it's gone on for generations causing great congratulations those little books and crawl across the rug. Mama from cheese gets bigger in the width and in the dirt doesn't sound that rhythm miracle about to happen well you probably don't remember how from April to November you were living in a tiny little room and you were saving you were warm as tiny bones begin to form and your heart was beating lively by the end of June. Oh you're fucking through your belly and pizza pie or deli protected in a bubble from your head to toe in my ear and uncles rated mom and dad and dissipated, but all you had to do was to float and go where you can take library dangers. You can ask all kinds of things. Where's the miracle that's happening on this earth? Well it happens in the city. There's a miracle in every single bird. Everybody. There's a miracle. Disappearing.