Lysosomes there are spherical single membrane-bound organelles. They were first reported and named as isosomes by Christian de duve 1995. Implants, they are generally found in the meristematic cells. Each lysosomes is a rounded body of about 0.4 micrometers. It encloses a fine granular fluid, which is rich in digestive enzymes, the acid hydrolases, lysosomes generally originate from tubules of endoplasmic reticulum or from cysteine of Golgi complex. As long as lysosome membranes intact, enzymes are inactive. The enzymes once liberated destroy the entire cell. Hence, they are called suicidal bags. Lysosomes are found in all animal cells except mammalian RBCs. Plant cells lack lysosomes except yeast and fungi. Based on morphology of contents and functions, lysosomes are classified into four main types. One. Primary lysosomes two secondary lysosomes three residual bodies and four autophagic vacuoles. Primary lysosomes. These are spherical vesicles filled with only digestive enzymes such as hydrolytic and phospholipid enzymes. These are produced from Golgi apparatus. The enzymes are inactive state in primary lysosome. Secondary lysosome. These are spherical recycles which show the presence of digestive food molecules. The richer lysosome are residual bodies. These are spherical recycles which contain undigested food materials. Autophagy vacuoles on aging and in certain by the logical conditions, the lysosomes attack other intracellular organelles surrounded them. Envelop them evacuates and digest them. Such regular lysosomes are referred as autophagy vacuoles. Functions of lysosomes one. Intercellular digestion. Digestion of food materials and inactive cellular components within the cell. Two. Autophagy. Digestion of its own particles within the cell. Three. Heterogeneity. Digestion of foreign particles within the cell. Four. They cause autolysis of all contents. 5. Extracellular digestion. By releasing enzyme outside the cell, vacuoles, vacuole is the cavity of cytoplasm, filled with watery fluid called cell SAP. They were first reported by spelling zany. In meristematic cells, the vacuoles are minute in size and many in number. In permanent cell, the vacuole is large in size, single and occupies the center of the entire cell. In such a cell, the cytoplasm is pushed towards periphery. And these in the form of thin layer, such a condition is called primordial utricle. The vacuole is bounded by a single lipoprotein membrane called tonoplast. As there is no excretory system in plant, various types of metabolites reserve food, waste products, pigments, et cetera, are dumped in the vacuums. Hence, vacuoles are called storehouse repositories of cell. Functions of vacuoles. Vacuoles help Osmo regulatory function. Two. Vacuoles help in storage of different substances. Food, water, byproducts, three they maintain turgidity of the cell. Four, there's still poisonous substances formed as byproducts during metabolism and protect the cell from toxic effects. 5. Vacuoles containing colored cells SAP impart color to plant parts and help in attracting insects.