Barney Fife & The Preamble To The Constitutio
The Preamble To The Constitution
Andy. Oh, boy. Look at that, lizard. What's that? My old history book. The one I used way back in the 8th grade. I'll be doll. And with all this talk with Opie about how good he's doing in school and all. I got to thinking about my own school and I'd like that up. My old history book. Bernard P 5. This book belongs to Bernard P 5. If lost or stolen, please return to Bernard P 5 signed Bernard P 5. Your book? Yeah. Look at her next page. A history of the United States of America, bob and R&B 5. Well, remember how we used to paste our own names over the authors. Well, you've had this long time.
Well, since the 8th grade. And you want to know something? There's things right there in that book that I learned that I still remember to this day. Oh, come on. To this day. It's amazing now that stuff stays with you. Once you learn something, never leaves you. It stays locked up tight right in the old Lou. It does, huh? Sure. Here, let me show you. Constitution of the United States. Now we had the memorize the preamble of that. I still remember. You do? Yeah. Yeah, I'll show you. Hold a book on me. Okay. All right, go ahead. Constitution of the United States. Give me the first word. Okay, we. Wait. Wait. Wait. Are you sure? I'm looking right at him. We. Will be. We the. People. We the people. We the people. We the people. When the people. We the people of the united we the people of the united states flag free. Win. Wait, fire. Stay. States.
We the people in the United States in order. In order to form a form a more perfect. Perfect. You. The formal more perfect you. Young. Man, union. In order to form a more perfect union. Yes. Shh. Shh. Stop it. Establish. Establish. Just establish just. Piss. Justin. That was justice. Insured. Don't measure the tranquility. Provide for the common defense. Promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity or ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America. You won't run through that again or do you think you got it? I got. It never taught me where it.