AutoSTEM - Automata and Biology - Using Automata in Biology
Welcome to this film about how we can use mechanical toys to help the children get a better understanding of biological concepts. For instance, we could use this bird. Yes, it's only. So what kind of benefits do we have for exploring this automata instead of coming out in the nature? Absolutely recommend going out in the nature and study wildlife in the real habitat. But when working with this constructing it, I think the children will naturally focus on the different parts. They will focus on the wings on the beak with a leg and so on. And what we're doing that we can talk about this part and why they look like they do, what they are used for and why a bird is the bird. Things like that. And then we can go out. Now we are going to talk about how we can use this toy to talk about how animals are adapted to the environment they live in. So this what would you say this is? Well, I think it might be my name of the children would say that it is a bird, but maybe someone would say it's fish or something. Then we could say, well, it got wings. Oh, so it's also could be our bats or our insect and yeah, but it's got wings, but I don't think it looks like that, maybe because it's got a beak. Birds got to be feathers. We can tell from this, particular toy, but maybe we could put feathers on if the children thinks that is something that it needed is needed to make it work. Okay. So playing with this automata, you can actually talk about the different kind of birds and S and this is quite a general scheme of a bird, but you have made some other birds. Yeah. I made this one. Because. Maybe you could tell me, you can guess what kind of bird you think this is. And why? That is simple to me. Because I think it looks like an eagle. And why is it an eagle? You tell me. If you look at the feet, it's got close sharp close to catch a parade. For example, if it's catching a slippery fish in water, it could dive down, grab it and be able to hold it. And the beak is very pointy and sharp, so it can use it to tear meat out of it. That rabbit or something like that. So this is a bird of prey. I would maybe call it an eagle. Yeah. And what about this one? This has a totally different kind of beak. Yeah, so and wings. So it has probably a different lifestyle. The feet are most characteristic maybe if we can have a closer look at the feet. They are wide, like the feet of a scuba diver. So what kind of birds have those feet? Perhaps that need to swim. Like a duck. Like don't look exactly like Donald duck he's gonna fit like that. A beef like this. Some ducks live a plasma material that goes flat and wide big. Like this one. So I think this is a swimming duck that is feeding on plant. Some ducks eat fish, and they got a big that is a little bit more similar to the eagle because they have caching braids. Okay. So when we are making this, we know that it's adapted to a lifestyle in the water. Okay. And this one, this is totally different kind of the free so much longer. Yeah, and tell me about what kind of birdies could be. It's a bird that lives in shallow water, I think. It works around in the water on its long legs. So it doesn't have to float. But it can stand still and then it uses its long beak to catch prey that are swimming around in the shallow water. Close to it. I think. So this is a wedding, but a different kind of different kind of beat. Showing a little bit about the lifestyle of this product. So we just jelly Jell-O bird, you can explore a lot of different birds. But I think the most fantastic way to just continue among the nation and create your own kind of birds and you can go further on and you can create like this one. You have created a human being. Yes, is it? Why? Well, has it got wings? No, it's got arms. Waving with its arm. So it's not we can see that it's not the bird, because of course the face is very human. So but the principle is this. Different way of using the same mechanism. And that's the beauty with this that you can actually, you can just use your magnet and create all kinds of species. Yes, actually. Where we have been outdoors looking at, for instance, birds, we can go indoors and make if we saw a crowd, we could start to make that one. Or something else. Yeah. Now we are going to look further into different adaptations to the lifestyle of some animals. For instance, there is a crocodile lurking in the water waiting for its prey. Whatever. But it is a crocodile. Yeah, I think so. Why? Why do you think so? Well, it could slightly remind of a snake, but it got a lot of sharp pointy teeth that I think looks like a crocodile. And the crocodile used this teeth to catch prey. It got it's got the predator pink teeth. And we can see by the shape of teeth that what kind of food it eats. I don't know if a crocodile can eat a little bit of plant material, but surely it can't chew them into something very digestible. But maybe some other animals can do that. Yeah. This one. So what's the oh, I can see what that is. What is that? That is animal with a with tusks and a trunk. It must be an elephant. What does the elephant eat? And it might be a little bit difficult to see, but the elephant has got flat teeth that are well suited to crush the plant material. So it's easy to digest it. And by looking at the taste, we can see on all animals, more or less what kind of food they are eating. And we can also see this in other animals like dinosaurs. Some dinosaurs are meat eaters like this turns out. But some dinosaurs live from plant material and they got teeth more or less like an elephant. Or a cow or a horse. And when we're doing these for the children, we do the same as with the yellow bird. Yeah. Great story. And talk about the teeth. What do they eat? What is good crocodile food? Where does the crocodile live? Yeah. And so. And then the children can start. I think maybe you stare in my nation and create their own crocodiles and where does this fantasy crocodile live and what does it like to eat and so on? So pink crocodiles doesn't exist. I think so. Not until now.