Today we are practicing dividing two digit numbers by one digit numbers. With word problems, all of these word problems have a remainder. And we're practicing interpreting the remainder. So thinking about what the question is asking us will change how we answer it. So number two, we're dividing 27 students into groups of four, the question is asking how many students will not be in a group. So after we divide, our answer will be just the remainder. Number three, we have 75 footballs. Shipping in cartons of 6 footballs each when we, after we've divided them up, if there's a remainder, we're going to have to add one to the quotient. So however many cartons are filled with 6 footballs, you're going to need one more carton to ship the remaining footballs. Number four, we are turning the remainder into a fraction. So we're doing ten feet divided into 6 table legs. If there's a remainder, we're going to divide that remainder into the 6 table legs. So you're going to have your quotient will be the whole feet for each leg and then your remainder can be divided into the 6 table legs. So you're going to create a fraction. Number 5, we are dividing 60 plants into 8 equal rows. So since the rows need to be equal, we're going to ignore the remainder. If there are plants left over, we're not going to use them. So your answer will just be the quotient. Number 6 is asking how many beads will she have left over. So again, your answer is going to be just the remainder. Number 7, we are going to have to add one to the quotient. So if there is a remainder in the number of markers that she needs to buy, she's going to have to buy one more pack of markers to make sure all of the students get three. And then on the back, we're doing 85 divided by 9, but the question is just asking how many stacks of 9 can Marcus make. So if there are any leftover, we're not worried about that. We're just ignoring the remainder. And number two, if there are people left over after failing each of the minivans with 7 people, then we're going to have to have one more minivan to bring those people to the game. So we will add one to the quotient.