1 - Step Equations - Video 2 of 4
Math Step Equations
Is M equals 72 divided by 8. Again, if we're working from this sign towards the equal sign, we're going to divide. If I'm working from the equal sign, going the opposite direction, opposite, instead of dividing, I'm not going to multiply.
So if you're not going to division, it's okay. You're going to go in the opposite direction and multiply. And you're going to say what number, with the letter. Times 8. Is equal to 72. And if you don't know the answer to that, it's okay. You just do your 8 times table. So we're going to do 8, 16, and I'm going to draw 8 little lines. So 16, 17, 18, 1921 to two, three, four. Jump 5 to 6 to 7 to 8, and add 30, the one to two. 33, there's four other 5 to 6 to 7 three 9 40.
For one for two for 3.4556% 48. 49 51 two three four 5 6. 7 8 9 6 one 6 two 360 four. 65 66 67 56 9 70 71 72. So it is 8 times one. 8 times two, 8 times three, 8 times four, 8 times 5, 8 times 6, 8 times 7, 8 times 8, and 8 times 9 gives me 72. So M is equal to 9. And let's check and find out if that is correct. So I'm going to take.
So I'm going to take my M and make it 9. Equals 72. Divided by 8. And that's correct. So M is equal to 9. And we did that by doing the opposite or working backwards. Example number