I'm an avid reader and writer, with a focus on book, film, and music reviews, gluten-free recipes, and fiction writing "how-tos."
I graduated from the University of Georgia with an Honours Bachelor of Arts and completed graduate studies in book and magazine publishing at Centennial College.
I'm a good homemaker, enjoy playing with my nieces and nephew, and, due to my Celiac, eat completely gluten-free. With an interest in anything "artsy," including music, drawing, and creative writing, I use my experiences and education to educate, share ideas, and offer advice.
I began writing for WriteMyPaperBro in 2015 and as a Feature Writer, have since expanded my portfolio to many areas of interest, including book, film, and music reviews, recipes, the joys of gluten-free eating, and a plethora of "how-tos" on fiction and academic writing. I enjoy my position as Topic Editor for the Instrumental Music and Musical Instruments topics here at WriteMyPaperBro, as it allows me to communicate better with other writers, and work with a great team of Senior Editors.
Mine's fiction writing includes short stories and excerpts for Fiction Writers' Platform, an engaging site created by WriteMyPaperBro writers for fiction writers and readers alike. Additionally, I'm Fiction Writers' Platform's Communications Editor, encouraging writer communications and site involvement. Feel free to visit our blog.
I'm an avid reader and writer, with a focus on boo
I'm an avid reader and writer, with a focus on book, film, and music reviews, gluten-free recipes, and fiction writing "how-tos."
I graduated from the University of Georgia with an Honours Bachelor of Arts and completed graduate studies in book and magazine publishing at Centennial College.
I'm a good homemaker, enjoy playing with my nieces and nephew, and, due to my Celiac, eat completely gluten-free. With an interest in anything "artsy," including music, drawing, and creative writing, I use my experiences and education to educate, share ideas, and offer advice.
I began writing for WriteMyPaperBro in 2015 and as a Feature Writer, have since expanded my portfolio to many areas of interest, including book, film, and music reviews, recipes, the joys of gluten-free eating, and a plethora of "how-tos" on fiction and academic writing. I enjoy my position as Topic Editor for the Instrumental Music and Musical Instruments topics here at WriteMyPaperBro, as it allows me to communicate better with other writers, and work with a great team of Senior Editors.
Mine's fiction writing includes short stories and excerpts for Fiction Writers' Platform, an engaging site created by WriteMyPaperBro writers for fiction writers and readers alike. Additionally, I'm Fiction Writers' Platform's Communications Editor, encouraging writer communications and site involvement. Feel free to visit our blog.
I'm an avid reader and writer, with a focus on book, film, and music reviews, gluten-free recipes, a
I'm an avid reader and writer, with a focus on book, film, and music reviews, gluten-free recipes, and fiction writing "how-tos."
I graduated from the University of Georgia with an Honours Bachelor of Arts and completed graduate studies in book and magazine publishing at Centennial College.
I'm a good homemaker, enjoy playing with my nieces and nephew, and, due to my Celiac, eat completely gluten-free. With an interest in anything "artsy," including music, drawing, and creative writing, I use my experiences and education to educate, share ideas, and offer advice.
I began writing for WriteMyPaperBro in 2015 and as a Feature Writer, have since expanded my portfolio to many areas of interest, including book, film, and music reviews, recipes, the joys of gluten-free eating, and a plethora of "how-tos" on fiction and academic writing. I enjoy my position as Topic Editor for the Instrumental Music and Musical Instruments topics here at WriteMyPaperBro, as it allows me to communicate better with other writers, and work with a great team of Senior Editors.
Mine's fiction writing includes short stories and excerpts for Fiction Writers' Platform, an engaging site created by WriteMyPaperBro writers for fiction writers and readers alike. Additionally, I'm Fiction Writers' Platform's Communications Editor, encouraging writer communications and site involvement. Feel free to visit our blog.