TeacherTube Tutorial
Tutorial on how to use the TeacherTube website
Hi there, Amanda Christopher, with the Marysville school district, international school of communications video productions teacher. Today, we're going to be talking about the website teacher two, which is a great website for professional development where teachers teach teachers through instructional videos and students can also hop on there, check out videos that help drive home concepts that they learn in classes as well. So I'm going to teach you today how to create your own username and your own account to begin loading your own videos. So first off, what we want to do is head online and go to teacher tube dot com. So we'll head there right now.
On the main site, you want to look up at the top right hand corner and you will see the log in and free sign up. And go ahead and click on that free sign up where you'll be prompted to create your new account. That'll go ahead and take you to this sign up where you have all these required fields to fill out username, password, email, data birth, all this information just to get your account started. So I'll go ahead and do that right now. And when you're done with all that, you want to go ahead and click on the submit button. The next page we'll go ahead and ask you to sign in using your newly created username and password. I'll go ahead and do that. And click submit. The next page will take me to my user profile homepage. Now on the left side of the screen, you're going to see view profile or you can upload video. And since that's what we're doing today, I'm going to go ahead and click on upload video.
From there we get to our upload video page, and we're going to go ahead and create a new album. So I'm going to go ahead and click on create new album. So let's ask for a title and a description of a new album and since I'm doing some basics on teacher tube uploading videos, we're going to call it video uploading. And then we'll go ahead and create album. But the album that we're going to put this in then is our video uploading album. We added some key words that help people find it when they're searching for our video. And we went ahead and clicked career and technology education was where this one will fit into. We're going to go ahead and click on continue uploading. The next page that it brings me to is where we want to upload our video. So we want to browse file. I went ahead and I saved my project to the desktop so I called it uploading movie. I found it right here. And I'm going to go ahead and click on open. I can go ahead and click upload. And that's all it takes, just sit back and let that thing upload all the way on to those site.